Spanish for Healthcare Providers Badge (4 credits)


Practicing and aspiring healthcare providers interested in expanding their knowledge of Spanish language while developing their communication skills in patient care can accomplish their learning goals as they pursue the Spanish for Health Care Providers Badge. Recipients of this badge will be able to confidently communicate with Spanish-speaking patients and gain the cultural competence needed to optimize their healthcare practice. Badge earners will hone their ability to efficiently interview, examine, and treat patients in Spanish in the context of different common medical situations. Students will have the opportunity to learn more complex grammar and expressions typically used in the medical setting.


Upon completion of the following badge requirements, students will be issued Spanish for Health Care Providers digital badge for use on their resume, online portfolio, website, and social media pages.

  • Two FAES courses in Spanish for Healthcare Providers: SPAN 208 and SPAN 209.
  • For all qualifying courses, students must earn a letter grade of C or above or a “pass” if the course is pass/fail. Audited courses do not qualify toward the digital badge.
  • Courses and workshops completed since January 2021 can be counted toward the digital badge.
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