
Course Description

Registration Deadline: September 9, 2024 - Save 30% on tuition when you register for all three workshops!

Learn and master R by completing a three-part evening workshop series offered by FAES. 

  • September Workshop (9/10, 9/17, and 9/24, 2024)

In the first workshop, BIOF 017 | Introductory R Boot Camp, learners are introduced to the basics of how to use R to wrangle data, create visualizations, and conduct exploratory analyses. The only pre-requisite is a basic computer literacy.

  • October Workshop (10/8, 10/15, and 10/22, 2024)

The second workshop, BIOF 018 | R Advanced Beginners Bootcamp, builds upon the principles of using R for data science by introducing intermediate concepts that will help students advance their knowledge and use R for more complex tasks.

  • November Workshop (11/5, 11/12, and 11/19, 2024)

Finally, the third workshop, BIOF 019| Designing Effective Data Visualizations in R, will explore both the design side and the coding side of creating visualizations in R.

Simultaneous access to two screens is highly recommended for best learning experience. Examples include one computer with two screens, two computers, and one laptop and one tablet.

Each workshop applies toward the Bioinformatics Endeavor digital badge.


Register for all 3 workshops and receive a bundle deal* on your training rates, available until February 12, 2024!

  • $2,235 -> $2,100 - NIH Community (Trainees, Employees, Contractors, Volunteers, etc.), Academia, US Government, US Military
  • $2,607 -> $2,400 - General
  • Technology fee $225 (non-refundable) 

*If you cancel one (or more) of the workshops, your tuition will be calculated based on the individual tuition rates below.

To Register Click on "Add to Cart"
Section Title
R BUNDLE - Three Workshop Bundle
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Total Cost (Includes $75 non-refundable technology fee per course when applicable)
R BUNDLE BUND 001 $2,625.00
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