
Course Description

With increasing awareness of the importance of sleep to health, the epidemic of disordered sleep comes with profound personal and societal consequences. Sleep-related processes show surprising interconnectedness to homeostatic mechanisms regulating cognitive, behavioral, and metabolic pathways. Research emerging from sleep science has helped to shift the ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mentality and has also revealed that sleep quantity is but a small part of the “good sleep” equation. This course takes a deep dive into the neuroscience of sleep and its relationship to health and disease. After a brief introduction to the circadian regulation of the sleep-wake cycle from an evolutionary perspective, we focus on the neural substrates regulating the complex choreography of sleep-wake regulation in the human brain. Through examination of the neurochemical and electrophysiological signatures of the stages of sleep, we learn how sleep is clinically evaluated and the relevance of changes to sleep architecture across the lifespan. Through lecture, discussion, illustration, and evaluation of current literature, we explore the neural circuitry and chemistry orchestrating the processes of sleep and wake, and the potential impacts of sleep dysregulation on cognition, emotional regulation, immune and metabolic processes.

This course would benefit all those who are interested in understanding the neurophysiology of sleep and discovering emerging functional relationships between sleep and health.

Learner Outcomes

When you complete the course successfully, you will be able to:

  • Interpret sleep’s functional role from an evolutionary and biological context.
  • Identify the interacting brain regions and the neurochemical and environmental factors regulating sleep-wake physiology.
  • Characterize the frequency-specific and physiological criteria used to clinically evaluate non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep states across the night.
  • Compare changes in sleep architecture across the lifespan as they relate to development.
  • Recognize behavioral factors which promote or disrupt sleep health.
  • Assess individual sleep quality and develop a strategic plan to attain personal sleep goals.


This course applies toward the Biomedical Sciences Endeavor badge.

Textbook Information

There is no textbook for purchase required for this course.


There are no prerequisites for this course.


Follow the link to review FAES Tuition Refund Policy.

Funding Justification Guide

Some labs and institutes may have specific funds set aside for trainees to continue their education and professional development. FAES has created a guide intended to help trainees request funds that may be available and, if they are available, request use of the training funds for continued professional development. More details

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Section Title
Neuroscience of Sleep: Relevance to Health and Disease
Online Asynchronous
Oct 23, 2024 to Dec 10, 2024
Total Cost (Includes $75 non-refundable technology fee per course when applicable)
Eligible Discounts Can Be Applied at Checkout (2 Credits) $775.00
Potential Discount(s)
Available for Academic Credit
2 Credit(s)
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